Friday, October 17, 2014


Fall is a favorite of many. As much as we love sunshine and beach days, the crisp Autumn air is accompanied by some pretty fun fall traditions. This has become even more apparent to me as I started paying attention to the blogging scene. The transition from summer to fall used to be more about getting used to the new school year and switching over items in my wardrobe. But anyone who uses Pinterest knows PSLs and apple/pumpkin-themed pictures are fall-musts for many.

A few of my fall favorites:

Football Games
I will admit I am not super knowledgeable about any sports. I couldn't tell you which teams are better than any others in any sport of any kind. Yet, college football games are one of my new favorite parts about fall. There is so much excitement in the air. School pride is in full bloom. My favorite part at my school is admiring the sea of red herding to the stadium. Everyone is in a good mood, ready to root on the team.

Fall Weather
This week has been super rainy, and I am not a fan of getting unexpectedly caught out in the cold rain. It makes my naturally curly hair a frizzy poof-ball, and there's something about rain that makes me uncomfortable. My idea of a perfect fall day is sunny with a sort-of crisp cold in the air. It's warm enough to tolerate being outside, but it's cool enough to bundle up in a knit-sweater and a scarf. Yesterday was finally that day--just in time for one my roommate's birthday. It was a gorgeous day, and one of the few we may have left before the seemingly never-ending winter that is approaching too quickly.

Big Sweaters and Scarves
As I mentioned, my favorite fall weather involves being able to wear sweaters and scarves. They are both comfy and cute. I love looking at the fashion pins in the fall. There are so many ways to dress up a simple sweater, which definitely makes the change in weather bearable.

Fall Coffee
Including, but not limited to the Pumpkin Spiced Latte. I am a sucker for a good Salted Caramel Mocha--my favorite is at Starbucks. Who doesn't love a good seasonal treat to warm them up?

As much as I love my converse, they do not hold up in the winter months. I need something that's going to offer me a little more protection from the cold and the snow. Plus, boots can be super stylish. I love that you can turn a look from sporty to semi-dressy just by swapping out your tennis shoes for some riding boots.

Admittedly, Halloween is not my favorite holiday. It's fun, but I am awful at coming up with costume ideas. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and that keeps me motivated on so many levels. It's a chance to get back home to catch up with family and friends. And this time of year always makes me so nostalgic. I love sitting around the table with family, talking about everything we are thankful for.

Halloween Movies
While Halloween isn't really my thing, I love all the movies about it--specifically the children ones. Any Halloweentown fans? Can we just pause for a minute to talk about the fact that is was totally not okay when they replaced Marnie in the final movie? It felt so wrong. But the first three are still amazing. I also love Hocus Pocus, Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire, Phantom of the Megaplex, and Don't Look Under the Bed.  I am not a huge fan of actual horror movies, but if there is any time for a good scary movie, it is now.

Fall Treats
Last weekend we had a birthday party for a couple of my roommates, so we decided to make a few desserts for our friends. A few weeks ago I picked up a Betty Crocker pouch and cream cheese frosting to make Pumpkin Bars. I had never made anything like them before, so I was a little be nervous. I cut them up into bite-size rectangles and I had to muster up some pretty great self-control to leave them for guests. I think I am still one up on my friend Jen, who is crazy about anything pumpkin. She even sent a picture in our group message of her pumpkin-themed grocery basket at Target one day. No matter how much you love/hate pumpkin, there is a fall treat for anyone. Fresh apples and caramel are one of my favorite fall snacks.

What are your favorite parts about Fall?


  1. I love all of these things too! And in all the food and holidays to come, and it's my favorite!!


  2. Holiday treats! Crunching leaves! SCARVES! Tall boots! Warm flannel sheets! Those are my fall favourites.

  3. i love all of these things. fall, you've done it right ;)

  4. I love all things fall, now if only Texas would get with the program and start cooling off!

  5. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! I totally agree with everything on your list :) Scarves are my favorite! The crisp air, the lovely scents, the beautiful leaves - what's not to love! :)

  6. I hear you, I love fall so much. I also love the holidays, the pumpkin spice lattes, the scary movies, and the chill in the air. :)

  7. Currently enjoying a $1 pumpkin spice latte! It's a great time.

  8. Thanks :) Glad you like it! It is such a great time of year. I totally agree with you.

  9. Those are some great fall things! I love SCARVES, too haha. :)

  10. I am so excited for the holidays, too! And there are so many yummy treats in this season. It's wonderful.

  11. I love almost all of these except for football.

  12. Big chunky sweaters for fall are my fav! That paired with a cup of coffee is perfection!

  13. What a perfect list! I love the Halloween movies (although they haven't been playing as many, or as good, movies the past few years!)

  14. I am not a big fall fan or Halloween fan for that matter lol, but I do love the sweaters, the books and the fall treats. Cool linky x

  15. I just can't get enough of the general fall coziness. Hot drinks, watching movies on the couch all bundled up in a blanket, boots, scarves, sweaters.. love it all!

  16. Haha it's going to the games that is the fun part! But I am glad you liked the list!

  17. I totally agree! Glad you liked the list.

  18. Fall treats are always delicious. And I love curling up with a good book in a comfy sweater.

  19. Sounds like a perfect fall day to me!

  20. You're a girl after my own heart! Fall is totally my favorite time of year. I grew up in Maine, where the Fall months are gorgeous and cool. Now I live in California where fall is hot and brown LOL.

  21. Fall is my favorite time of year, I love the clothes, tights and boots and autumn foods!

  22. Ahhh salted caramel mochas. Pure heaven. I haven't had one yet this season, but I can't wait! This is such a fun linkup! I was just about to write a post about fall favorites/a haul! Love how you're doing this linkup! :)

  23. I love that I can bring out my boots right now too! :) I dunno.. I've never gotten into the PSL craze.. I do love my pumpkin beers though! :)

  24. I love wearing boots and pulling out my warm sweaters. Fall smells are amazing too!

  25. Salted Caramel Mocha is my all time favourite Starbucks drink, I rarely treat myself to SB because it's just so expensive but I have a hard time staying away in the fall when I know SCMs are available!

  26. It's a great time of year. I love watching the transition from summer to fall in the North. But I wish I could join you in California for the winter!

  27. All great aspects of a great time of year :)

  28. They really are! You definitely need to get one before they go out of season. :) I just got one yesterday during my trip to the farmer's market. It was wonderful. I am excited for you to linkup! Can't wait to read your fall post. :)

  29. It's so much fun to make the transition into wearing boots again. I can go either way with the PSLs. It really depends on where you get them. Pumpkin beer sounds interesting haha.

  30. That's so true! Being outside in fall is usually a good time.

  31. I agree with all of that! It's nice to treat yourself to it once in a while, and this is the perfect time with all of their seasonal drinks.

  32. I am a huge holiday freak! I just carved pumpkins last night while drinking pumpkin beer and watching Hocus pocus!

  33. those are some great shots. I love the one overlookin' the lake. My favorite part about fall is the weather

  34. Sounds like a great night! I love that movie.

  35. Thanks! I love the fall weather, too.

  36. Great list! I really just enjoy the cooler weather.

  37. Sweaters, scarves, coffee, the colours, thanksgiving... the scents... it turns in to winter far too fast here but it's a beautiful time of year :)


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