Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Dear Summer,

I have never been in love. I have been in lust (as you can see here, here, and here). But with you it's different. I promise this isn't something I say to every other season.

The time I spend with you is extra special, because I know it cannot last forever. But the truth is I am happiest when you are around. You invite endless adventure and time to do everything I put off during the rest of the year. My smile is a little bit brighter when I'm with you. And I get a little sad when I think about what it will be like without you, but I am appreciative of the time I have with you now. 

I could spend hours gazing at the lakes on the warm summer nights. Mornings by the lake are serene. Afternoons by the lake are lively. And nights by the lake are a part of some of my favorite memories. 

I know our relationship isn't always healthy, but sometimes you just want a little danger in your life for the thrill of it. You know? I'm tempted to forget the SPF 30, because of the beautiful glow I know I could have. But I know it's not good for me.

It makes me giddy just thinking about all the fun times we still have ahead of us. The late night talks that last until we are convinced we have uncovered the meaning of life at 3am. The random ice cream runs, because it is too hot to eat anything else. And the spontaneous adventures that turn into stories we will tell for years.

I'm usually not one to broadcast my relationships, but I want the world to know about our love affair. I am madly and hopelessly in love with you, Summer.



  1. This is so cute! I also love summer and when I was living in Europe, after living my whole life in Southern California, I misses the Summer heat so much! Thanks for the giveaway, too!!

  2. I love this letter! Summer is my all-time favorite part of the year. I love how it encompasses so many adventures and thrill-seeking. You described it perfectly! :) Love it!

  3. I am moving to London at the end of the summer! Super excited about it and that's what I would put the ticket towards :D !! Love summer however, it is SO hot where I'm from that swimming pools, lake and sunscreen are a MUST! Hope you have a great summer :)

    Kalee | |

  4. I love summer, too! It's always been a time of fun and possibility. :) Now that my toddler is big enough to enjoy the beach and pool with me, we're going to have an awesome time!

  5. Thank you! The summer heat can be a blessing and a curse. And I am so excited to be a part of this giveaway! Best of luck to you! :)

  6. Thanks, Gina! I'm so glad you liked it! It was a fun post to write. :)

  7. That's so exciting! Good luck in the giveaway! I totally agree that pools, lakes and sunscreen are a must! Hope you have a great summer, as well. :)

  8. That sounds like so much fun! I have a very young little sister, and it is so much fun to get to see her experience playing in the sand and dipping her toes in the water!

  9. I'd love to visit my Mom and sister in Virginia!... oh yeah, and maybe Greece! ;)


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