Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Trying to Find the Inspiration into a Land Uncharted

Sara Bareilles is sorta kinda really  definitely my idol. I want to be the Sara Bareilles of the writing world. She is beautiful and talented and defies all sorts of rules about popular song themes. And she gets away with it. Her record label told her to pop out a love song because that's what the people want to hear, right?. So she gives us:
"I'm not gonna write you a love song, 'cause you asked for one. 'Cause you need one."


One of her absolute best songs (one of my favorites) is "Fairytale." Would have cut it myself if I knew men could climb hair. It has made me see fairy tales in an entirely different way. This encourages me to become a strong woman and not wait around for a prince charming to make my life better. I determine my happiness.

But the song that truly inspires me is Uncharted. As I sat with an open document, staring at the blinking cursor, I thought WWSD? (What Would Sara Do?) So I sauntered over to Youtube (Yes, sauntered) and sought out Uncharted. I honestly do not see a reason to not be inspired by that video. It is fun and silly and completely life changing. Ok, so maybe that last reason is a little bit unwarranted. But I definitely feel more prepared to start that story for my Creative Writing class.

Even while writing this I discovered the video for Gonna Get Over You. Go watch it. Put aside that less than satisfactory book you've been telling yourself to finish. Set down the remote to the soaps (the histrionic babes will be there when you get back). Tell the class to practice their adverbs some more. And please, if it is the only part you watch, watch the ending. Because she is pretty much the cutest thing ever. Who cares about being the Sara Bareilles of writing? I just want to be HER! Maybe if I pray hard enough it will happen one day. Or maybe I will end up just belting out Sara's songs with my mediocre (if even) voice, while I carefully craft the next Pulitzer Prize winner.


  1. Taylor-- I'm OBSESSED with your blog! Just sayin!

  2. I'm glad you like it! I love blogging. I love your blog too!


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