Sunday, August 12, 2012

Out With the Old, In with the Bold

I’m making some changes. Sure, I still love serendipity. But life is more than a series of accidents that fall into your lap when you are least expecting them. Life is like playing “Where’s Waldo,” in an ordinary photograph. He may not be there now, but as soon as you find a red sharpie and a spark of creativity, you’ve got gold. Maybe every problem in life can’t be solved with a sharpie and an open mind, but usually our problems aren’t as scary and complicated as we make them seem.

Recently, I’ve been forced to figure out exactly who I am and what I stand for. I have to make colleges want me to be a part of their community, so I have to prove that I’m a great person to have around. And in doing so, I’ve realized I’m a lot more than I thought.

I’m a:

T.V. Watcher
Story Teller
Cupcake Enthusiast
Car Singer

Of course I’m more than I could think of on the car ride back from buying new shoes, but right now, I am content with my list. I know I promised a post on Washington Square and NYU, but I am still processing what I saw nearly a month ago. I’ll get to it. For now, expect posts about my random thoughts, concerts, summer experiences, anticipation about senior year and college, and trips to Panera.

I have much to tell from Life in the Lost and Found Bin.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write! And I really like the changes you made :)


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